Environment & Welfare

The GxP Group creates an environment in which employees can work for a long time with peace of mind. This is because we want our employees to work enthusiastically, and we want their families to feel at ease.

Lunch time employee discount

Employees are provided with a healthy boxed lunch handmade by the Japanese restaurant operated by GxP Group. We support the health promotion of our employees by providing healthy foods.

Zero calorie drinks, free vending machine

In addition to water and tea, the vending machines installed in the office offer about 20 types of 0kcal drinks such as sparkling water and black coffee for free.

Employee dormitory

In order to support the daily lives of our employees, we provide share houses for men and condominiums for women for employees from rural areas. This facility also contributes to communication among employees.

Housing allowance

In order to support young employees under the age of 29 who are the head of the household will be paid according to the amount of rent.


Our ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) allows employees to regularly purchase company stock with matching contributions from the company. This program helps employees build wealth, boosts motivation, and supports corporate value growth.

Japanese 401K

A private pension system that provides preferential tax treatment in addition to the public pension system so that people can live comfortably in their old age. Enrollment is possible with the company paying the basic contribution.

Life insurance enrollment system

In order to protect employees in the unlikely event of an emergency, we have established a system for employees who have been with the company for one year or longer to enroll in medical insurance and life insurance at the company's expense.

Dependent allowance

This allowance is provided for dependents (including parents) covered by the health insurance system in order to support important life with family members.
(Model case 1: Spouse and 2 children → 30,000 yen will be paid. Model case 2: Spouse and living with parents → 20,000 yen will be paid.)


Through "MIGAKU," we encourage employees to spend about 10% of their work hours on activities like side projects or study groups. This fosters personal growth, self-realization, and communication.

G's Award

There is a peer bonus system that allows employees to express their gratitude by giving points to each other. When giving points, we will link to which of the GxP Way (employee action guidelines) the employee was able to act.

Referral recruitment system

Incentives will be paid to the referrer if we are able to hire someone who matches the culture and work of the GxP Group through employee referrals and recommendations.

Various leave systems

We have a paid leave system, auspicious leave, mourning leave, and maternity/childcare leave.

Work style

From a long-term perspective, we are creating an environment that allows employees to achieve their desired working style, according to changes in their life stages, careers, and feelings.

Selective personnel system

We have set up a “selective personnel system” that allows employees to choose from four work styles according to their orientation.
By allowing employees to choose our own optimal work style, we develop a sense of responsibility for our work, and it also leads to an interest in the work styles of other members.

  Work style Working hours Deemed overtime Overtime pay
Payment target time
Career path
01 Result-oriented type 10:00~19:00 Overtime work exceeding 40 hours
per month and holiday work
(excluding executives)
Management path
Expert path
02 Work-oriented type 10:00~19:00 20 hours Overtime work exceeding 20 hours
per month and holiday work
All paths
03 Work-life
balanced type
*Basically go home
on time
Overtime work after 19:00
and holiday work
04 Life-oriented type 10:00~19:00/8h or less
*Reduced working hours
or go home on time
Overtime work than specified hours
and holiday work

Coming to work on a rotation basis based on remote work

In our environment, each team rotates to come to the office a few days a week, and on other days we can work from home. The office desk is a free address system.

Work Time Selection System

GxP implements a flexible work hours policy where employees can choose their working hours for the month. (Options: 7:00-16:00 / 8:00-17:00 / 9:00-18:00 / 10:00-19:00 / 11:00-20:00)
Chosen work time needs to be consulted with each team's supervisor and submitted by the following the 20th of the current month.
Work hours for a specific day may be changed according to individual circumstances, such as participation in study groups or events, hospital visits, et cetera.

Two career paths

There are two career paths, "management path" and "expert path", according to the employee's orientation type.
It is an environment where we can advance our career while receiving fair evaluation, such as "expert positions" that continue to hone our skills and work as specialists, and "management positions" that acquire management skills and supervise and manage teams.

Growth opportunities

Introducing growth opportunities in the GxP Group. We are creating an ideal environment for employees who seek growth, such as various trainings, study sessions by in-house volunteers, and participation in technical events in Japan and overseas.

Training sessions are held frequently within the company
2019 LT Tournament
Kendama Challenge (2019 LT Tournament)
Training conducted mainly by employees
In new employee training, he or she can learn IT skills according to the level, from basic knowledge to more practical fields.

New graduate training

For the first four months after joining the company, new employees undergo GxP group training. First of all, I will give a lecture on basic things such as manners as a member of society and the importance of working in a team. While incorporating external training, even beginners can learn the basics of programming knowledge, which leads to success after being assigned.

Study session by volunteers

In the company, countless study groups are run by volunteers. AI/data analysis study sessions, AI/machine learning study sessions, team development learning sessions, thinking skills training through reading for self-promotion, etc. Another feature of the GxP Group is that we sometimes create communities with members outside the company and enjoy learning while having fun.

Participating and speaking at technical events in Japan and overseas

In order to research the latest technology trends, we actively send members to events held overseas such as Dreamforce, AWS Re:invent, JavaOne, Build, and Atlassian Summit.
We actively participate in events held in Japan such as DevelopersSummit and QCon, and there are many opportunities for members to speak.

Engagement and backup of the technical community

Apart from the company's business activities, the GxP Group has many members who are active in the external technical community. As a company, we also offer our lounges as venues for events and meetings to back up the activities of various communities. As a result, technical information in a wide range of fields, including technology and knowledge that are not often touched in our daily work, is circulated within the company.

Tech Talk

Approximately 30 to 40 engineers gather once a month to provide a forum for sharing and discussing trends in the IT field. By sharing in a format where the presenter takes the stage, many employees can catch up on practical and useful information in real time.


An activity in which volunteer members gather to grow in-house products. We think about the theme (what we want to solve and what we want to make convenient), get feedback, and use it to improve. We have developed and improved products such as G's Award (peer bonus system), GxPortal (schedule management), and GxPG (attendance and expense management system).

Opportunities for communication

The GxP Group values communication opportunities both online and face-to-face. We are always actively sharing information and exchanging opinions, rather than proceeding with work based on our own fixed ideas. A culture in which people can express our opinions freely also contributes to improved performance. We also enjoy events not related to work with all our might and deepen the bonds of the team.

Sports club activities are quite active.
We also participate in external charity events.
An original T-shirt created at a charity sports event. GxP Way on the back
At Tanabata, we wrote our wishes on strips of paper.
In internships for new graduates, application software development experience is provided.
G's Bar - Employees naturally gather to make coffee and chat.
Original Tyrolean chocolate made to commemorate the company's 14th anniversary

Communication tool

Internally, Slack is used for communication actively.
In addition, schedule management, attendance management, and member condition management are performed using tools developed in-house.

Information sharing by Jira/Confluence

At our company, all employees, not just engineers, use collaboration tools such as Jira and Confluence to share information in our daily work. It is used not only for information sharing within the company, but also actively used by customers and partner companies, making it a foundation for realizing advanced collaboration among project stakeholders.
We have been certified as an expert partner by Atlassian, the creators of these tools.
Atlassian product site by GxP

Group-wide event

The anniversary celebration on July 4th, the year-end financial reporting meeting, the group-wide annual closing party, and the New Year's party are some of the major events held by the entire group. During the meeting, we will also hold LT competitions and try to make it possible to hold a hybrid of online and real participation. We also use the head office lounge for social gatherings, which is a valuable place for all members of the group to gather and interact.

Employee welcome ceremony

This ceremony is held in our lounge to celebrate the joining of new graduate members. After the ceremony, they will have lunch with the senior managers.

Various social gatherings and round-table discussions

Social gatherings for each operating company and team, “next-generation gatherings” where the president and young employees talk, cafe meetings for the purpose of exchanging ideas between members from overseas, lunch parties to welcome new members, etc. We are holding a meeting for the purpose of friendship.

Club activities

We encourage interaction among our employees through sports, cultural activities and entertainment. There are low mountain clubs, tennis clubs, farm clubs, darts and table tennis clubs, golf clubs, badminton clubs, outdoor clubs, railway clubs, and more.

Introduction of Office

Group companies are based in the head office in Nishi-Shinjuku, Tokyo. There are no barriers between companies, and common office spaces are used in a free-address manner, and meeting rooms and lounges are also shared.


Shinjuku Nomura Building 48F, 1-26-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo GoogleMap

The GxP Group headquarters building is located on the 48th floor of the Shinjuku Nomura Building in Nishi-Shinjuku, an area lined with office buildings. It is an 8-minute walk from Shinjuku Station, which is served by JR and private railway lines, and the station is directly connected to the building via an underground passage, making it easy to access regardless of the weather.
Shinjuku is a big city with many commercial facilities, but Nishi-Shinjuku, where Nomura Building is located, is a business district with towering skyscrapers and is also close to Shinjuku Central Park, which is rich in greenery, so it is a well-balanced and calm place.

The nickname of the office is 【Sky AGORA】

The office named "Sky AGORA" is a combination of AGORA, which means "open space" as a symbol of a gathering place, and the location characteristics of the 48th floor, which is a high-rise floor.
It was created not only as a place to work, but also as an office with communication at its core that naturally makes people want to gather.

We aim to be an office that employees want to come visit.
A meeting room that can be used by 4 to 8 people. We also have a full range of online meeting facilities.
G's LounGe - It is also used for events, study sessions, and breaks.
Box seats used for small meetings. It can be separated with a curtain.
A window seat with a nice view. If the weather is nice, we can also see Mt.Fuji.
The office space is free address. You can change your seat according to your mood on the day you come to work.