GxP Group will hold a recruiting event for new graduates of 2026!

Our members who are recruiting new graduates will review your ES and give you interview advice on the day.
The event will be held in small groups (1 to 3 candidates per interviewer).
You will be able to talk at length and learn more about the job hunting process and our company information!

Our interviewers are managers and division managers who are leading the frontline!
We will do our best to assist you in your job-hunting activities!

◇◆Program of the day ◆◇
・Company Introduction
・Advices for ES writing & Interview

We will give you advice on ES and interviews based on your episodes and experiences,

Whether you are well-prepared or not yet ready, we are here to help you.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have!

○⚫︎ Voices of the Participants ⚫︎○
“I was able to test my current abilities!”
“I was not good at putting my past experiences into words, but with your advice, I was able to clarify what I wanted to say.”
“I feel like I was able to bring out the best in myself through the conversations with the employees.”

Schedule (tentative)
June 19 (Wed.) 15:00 – 17:00 (online/offline)
June 28 (Fri.) 10:00 – 12:00 (online/offline)

Event formats:
Online: zoom
Offline: Head Office (Shinjuku Nomura Building 48F)
※Please note that the format of the event will differ depending on the date!

◇We will hold the company information session via the web (Zoom).
We will send an e-mail with the URL to participate in the web-based company information session to those who have made a reservation.

To register for the company information session, please go to “Entry”, fill in the required information, and reserve a convenient date for the company information session.
You can also make reservations through RikuNabi2026!

We look forward to meeting you all!